Christine Bronstein


In December 2009, after several years as a stay-at-home mom to her step-son, son and daughter, Christine Bronstein founded A Band of Wives (, a social network and information website for women. Meant as a place for her to connect privately with her friends, A Band of Wives has grown into a diverse network of thousands of women. It is a place for women to connect and flex their voices through a wide variety of blogs, forums and events.

Shocked by the lack of women’s voices in mainstream media, Christine decided to create a series of anthologies, to bring more female voices into the public discourse. Christine is a co-editor of A Band of Wives’ first book, Nothing But the Truth So Help Me God: 51 Women Reveal the Power of Positive Female Connection, and the founder of the Publishing company Nothing But The Truth LLC. The first anthology, which launched in October 2012, went to number one in three different categories on Amazon (Feminist Theory, Gender Studies and Women in Politics) and even broke the coveted top 100 books on all of Amazon. The second Nothing But the Truth anthology, published in December of 2013, is on transitions and includes essays by thought leaders such as Gabrielle Bernstein, Kelly Corrigan and Belva Davis.

For eight years Christine was CEO of Axis Personal Trainers and Spa, one of the few women-run, venture-backed health and fitness companies in the nation. During this time she was also president of a child-welfare foundation, Sunshine and Daydreams, for three years and worked with a number of nonprofits focused on foster children.

She is a graduate of NYU undergraduate and holds MBAs from Columbia University and UC Berkeley. Christine is a member of the honor society Beta Gamma Sigma.

Christine’s writing has been published on, in The San Francisco Chronicle, Huffington Post and on Maria Shriver’s website.

Her social network, book and publishing company, Nothing But The Truth, have been featured in Teen Vogue, C Magazine, Psychology Today, MS. Magazine, The San Francisco Chronicle, Marin Magazine, 7×7 Magazine and many more print and online media outlets.

In addition to her professional endeavors, Chris is an avid philanthropist, choosing a number of different charities to give to each year. Chris has also been the keynote speaker and presenter at many prestigious functions, recently speaking at a benefit for Emerge California and introducing Nancy Pelosi. She looks forward to being the keynote speaker at the upcoming Image for Success fundraising luncheon as well as for the Center for Domestic Peace. She is the recipient of the CEDAW award for Community Building.


This year, our racial justice campaign centers around the theme Equity in Action: Exposing Myths and Redefining Justice. Join us March 31 - April 28 for four weeks, taking part in daily challenge activities (reading an article, listening to a podcast, reflecting on personal experience, etc.)

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