Victoria Vieria
Victoria has been a strong and consistent voice for women of color and other disenfranchised people in pursuit of quality education. She is passionate about promoting education and opportunities for women.
As a twenty-year-old immigrant not content with the status quo of deplorable conditions for minorities, she committed herself to becoming educated and to empowering others to continue similar work. She has had a prestigious career in college administration, activism, fundraising, program organization and humanism. Her self-fulfillment comes from helping to improve the quality of life and developing a cultural identity for Latinos in the Bay area. The means by which she achieves objectives are numerous, varied and awe-inspiring.
She was one of the two founders and Directors of the educational component of the Latino Film Festival of Marin, she has initiated numerous programs at the college that address needs of minorities, as well as founding the Latino Educational Council and Hispanic Cultural Center. While much of her activism is focused around her profession, she understands the experiences that Latinos, African-Americans and other minorities have in working to carve out a life in Marin County. She accepts people as they are and also knows what a difference a friendly hand can make. She does her work quietly and asks nothing in return.
Victoria provides a legacy of success by courage, determination, perseverance and pizzazz.