Racial Justice Programming
We know that we cannot empower all women unless we simultaneously work to eliminate racism.
The recognition that not all women, or all people, are treated equally is at the core of Your YWCA’s work.
YWCA is a multi-issue social justice organization because the lives of women and girls are complex and exist across many personal, cultural and political contexts. Our organization has a deep and abiding commitment to working on issues of economic, gender, and racial justice.
Women of color are a primary source of financial support for many families, yet lack access to things like affordable childcare, affordable housing, sick leave, and health insurance.
women of color are far underrepresented in corporate, governmental and non-profit leadership roles.
Women and girls of color experience more frequent and more deadly gender-based violence.
Our racial justice programs are based on our beliefs that social justice requires us to transform unjust practices and policies, and that women working together across lines of difference can transform and improve life for all women.
We understand it is critical for us to consistently and continuously apply a racial equity lens to the way we work both internally and with communities. We are proud to share our progress in achieving and sustaining racial justice.
The Racial Justice Challenge is a four-week learning engagement that includes daily activities such as reading an article, listening to a podcast, journaling, and more. Participants receive access to a Challenge app, allowing for connection and discussion with one another to discover how racial and social injustice impact our communities, and identify ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination.