Violence Prevention Education

YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley works to create a community free of violence

Our intersectional mission to eliminate racism and empower women demands that we advocate against the oppression and inequities that many groups and individuals endure–and that begins with education to understand stereotypes, biases, racial power dynamics, and types of violence.

Our prevention education programs are focused on dismantling systemic racism and rape culture by using restorative frameworks, social justice practices and empathy education.

Prevention education helps to prepare students, teachers, parents, professionals, and community members to recognize and prevent abusive behaviors. Our training also includes information about healthy relationships, safe bystander engagement and how to provide support if an incident of violence occurs.

Over 44,388 youth and community members received violence prevention education and outreach



Our workshops and presentations for community organizations, corporate groups, and professionals focus on increasing knowledge about gender-based violence.

Our topics include:

  • Sexual Assault and How to Support a Survivor of Sexual Assault
  • Domestic Violence
  • Human Trafficking
  • Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
  • Consent 101
  • Self-Care 101
  • Safe Bystander Engagement
  • Child Sexual Abuse Prevention for Parents/Caregivers


We offer in-school and virtual workshops for kindergarten to high school age students, utilizing age-appropriate materials to facilitate workshops and healthy relationships, consent, safe versus unsafe touch, and safe bystander engagement.

We offer:

  • Child Abuse Prevention Program
    (kindergarten – 5th grade)
  • Middle School Teen Empowerment Program
    (6th – 8th grade)
  • High School Teen Empowerment Program
    (9th – 12 grade)
  • Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Parent Presentation
    (Parents and caregivers)


The Racial Justice Challenge is a four-week learning engagement that includes daily challenge activities such as reading an article, listening to a podcast, journaling, and more. Participants receive access to a Challenge app, allowing for connection and discussion with one another to discover how racial and social injustice impact our communities, and identify ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination.

“Great interaction with our littles. Kept them engaged and interested Nice visual that the kids can relate to and have inclusive imagery.” Kindergarten Teacher at Tom Matsumoto Elementary


Presentations can be customized to your needs. To ensure that we best accommodate your request, please contact us to schedule a presentation at least 3 weeks in advance of your planned date.

For more information, to get a quote for services, or to schedule a workshop, contact us at



YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley is grateful for the opportunity to engage with the community by participating in your event through tabling or providing brochures and materials.



of students who receive prevention education report an increase in their knowledge of healthy relationship practices.


175 youth participated in Teens Ending Abuse (TEA) prevention clubs.

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Your partnership is critical to sustaining our life-changing and life-saving work. It takes all of us, together, to build the bridges of equity that our community deserves.

Main Office:
375 S. Third St., San Jose, CA 95112

(408) 295-4011

Note: This email is for general information and response time is 1-2 business days. If you are seeking help, please call our Bilingual Support Line at 1-800-572-2782.


Legal Name: YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley

Tax ID: 94-1186196

YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people of all abilities. We strive to continually improve the user experience and apply relevant accessibility standards.
If you are experiencing difficulty accessing content on any part of this website, please email
If you are seeking support services, please call our 24/7 Bilingual Support Line at 800-572-2782.